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Deviled Eggs

A classic party food gets a stylish update because "It's Lauren, of Course!"

Deviled Eggs
Turkey eggs deviled the ILOC way: salmon roe, green goddess, and BLT. #brunchgoals

If everything old is new again, then deviled eggs are the “it” food of any moment. Popularized in the U.S. after WWII, deviled eggs go all the way back to ancient Rome. They are both easy to make and can be made ahead of time. Better still, deviled eggs are the perfect canvas for adding your own flavor twist (BLT! Salmon Roe! BBQ! Green Goddess! Wasabi-Sesame! Curry!).

Equipment: cutting board; chef’s knife; paring knife; measuring spoons; wet measuring cup; dry measuring cup; tongs; large and small mixing bowls; food processor or blender; pastry bag with tip or resealable plastic bag

Ingredients: one dozen large eggs, hardboiled and peeled* ½ cup mayonnaise 1 teaspoon dry mustard or 1 tablespoon prepared Dijon Mustard 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons green pickle relish 1 teaspoon kosher or sea salt 1 teaspoon white pepper (paprika) (cumin) (curry powder) (chives) (avocado) (lemon juice) (dill)

* To boil one dozen eggs, place the eggs in a single layer in a large pot with a tight-fitting lid. Fill with cold water two inches above the eggs. Place over high heat uncovered. The moment the water comes to a vigorous boil, cover and remove the pot from the heat (turning off the heat is not sufficient; place the pot elsewhere). Set the timer for 15 minutes. When the timer goes off, immediately remove the eggs from the pot and rinse under cold water until they are cool enough to handle. Peel the eggs under cold running water and set aside.

1. Slice the peeled eggs lengthwise or crosswise, depending on preference (trim the bottoms if the latter to be stable). Remove the yolks carefully and place them in a food processor. Place the whites on a platter or in a container and set aside.

2. Add the mayonnaise, mustard, Worcestershire, relish, salt and pepper to the yolks. Puree until smooth. Taste and correct the texture and seasoning, if needed, by adding more of any of the above ingredients. Add additional ingredients for specific flavor combination as desired.

3. To fill the whites with the yolk mixture, first place the yolk mixture in a pastry bag with tip or a resealable plastic bag (if using the latter, place the bag in a mug or wide glass, fold over the sides and fill with the mixture; seal the bag but without any air inside; cut the tip from one corner of the bottom of the bag). Carefully pipe the mixture into the egg whites, making sure to fill the entire cavity.

4. Chill for at least 30 minutes or overnight. Garnish as desired before serving.

Makes 24.

Eggspert Advice

Large chicken eggs are the usual breed, but turkey, duck, pheasant, and even quail eggs are worth a try if you feel comfortable peeling eggs of different sizes.

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